Other Info


Our group will be filming at the beach, our houses, parks, a cemetery, Outside in general, and more places if needed. 


  • Constanza Cirigliano
  • Nicholas Zilbersztajen
  • Joao Nunes
  • Hailey Sanches
  • PJ Mckendry
  • Mariano Cirigliano
  • Emilia Alvarez
  • Ethan Rivera

Roles and Positions-

    Director: Constanza Cirigliano

    Co-Director/s: Nicholas Zilbersztajen, Joao Nunes

    Producer: Unknown

    Filming and Editing: Constanza Cirigliano, Nicholas Zilbersztajen, Joao Nunes

       We'll all be taking turns in the filming process and sharing ideas when we start editing the movie.


Nothing in our group revolves around having to do anything dangerous or being in situations that could lead us to trouble but we will have parental supervision. There are members of our group who are certified and licensed in CPR as well which could possibly help if we run into an issue and each of us could contact the emergency services.


We do not have a set schedule at this moment but we will plan times to film when everyone is free and doesn't have anything to do that day, like work, school, and other activities.

Our back up plan:

If a participant in our movie can't continue, we'll either find replacements or eliminate their role. We're flexible with the schedule and can adjust to accommodate everyone's needs, especially in case of serious issues. We've already talked about simple solutions for any challenges that may arise in the making of our movie.

                 Thank you guys for checking in today! That's all and I hope to see you back soon!

Improve performance with a planning tool. - Wimi
