Production Blog: Minor Tweaks

 Hey bloggers and welcome back to our own opening sequence.There's been a few things I want to update you guys on. Together as a group we came together and decided to change some of our film. We wanted to come up with names that seemed professional. The production company name was a very fast decision and it only took us about 5 minutes. The name we came up with is called Wildlife Productions. This made sense to us as we filmed our film mostly outdoors and during these outdoors scenes a majority of them were filmed around natural environments. The next name we had to come up with was the studio name. This name took longer than it was supposed to. We came up with a studio company name JENC studios. This made sense to us as it was the first letter of all our initials in the order we believed would sound the best. We did not want the titles to take away the attention of the actual film. So keeping a simple title was the best way at sounding both professional and not distracting the audience. Then after we came up with the names we reshot a few of the scenes we didn't really like. We added more dialogue during the camping scenes. We removed the campfire as it was really messing with the lighting and instead of using a pile of clothes to represent a dead animal. We added Enzos character's shirt on top of a cypress trees roots covered in blood to scare the cast. We also removed the monster from the end as it just looked really bad. Well that's all bloggers. Thank you for reading.


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